Terrorism and Insurgency

Terrorism and Personal Protection

Terrorism and Personal Protection

This is a major reference about personal security in the age of terrorism.  More specifically, it is about the threat that terrorists and ordinary criminals pose to the security of indiviaduals who, by reason, personal wealth, or corporate or family connections, may be considered targets of kidnapping, assassination, or extortion. The contributors to this book […]

International Terrorism: The Other World War

Terrorism is the use of criminal violence to force a government to change its course of action, usually to withdraw from or desist from undertaking something. It puts pressure on a government both directly and through overt threats and actions, and indirectly through instilling fear in the population. In general, terrorists prefer to target people […]

The Study of Terrorism: Definitional Problems

As incidents of terrorism have increased in the past decade, the phenomenon of terrorism has become of concern to governments and of increasing interest to scholars. The term “terrorism” has no precise or widely-accepted definition. The problem of defining terrorism is compounded by the fact that terrorism has recently become a fad word often applied […]

The Fall of South Vietnam Statements by Vietnamese Military and Civilian Leaders

The Fall of South Vietnam Statements by Vietnamese Military and Civilian Leaders

A summary of extensive oral and written statements by twenty-seven former high-ranking South Vietnamese military officers and civilians on their perceptions of the causes of the collapse of South Vietnam in 1975. The causes cited were many and interwoven — shortcomings in South Vietnam’s political and military leadership, planning, and organization — but all were […]

International Terrorism: A New Kind of Warfare

Read the original article here.